Reusable Packaging Latin America
Digital Innovation Platform
Innovation in Reuse
We are happy to announce that over the next year, we will be working together with the projects ProUSAR and CaribeCircular, implemented by GIZ, to launch a digital system for reusable packaging in the restaurant industry in Colombia, Dominican Republic and Quintana Roo, Mexico. Thanks to financing from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the European Union, advancements are being made in the development and application of the circulareconomy with practical innovation for the reuse of packaging for take-away food. We are proud to have been chosen to work on this exciting project. Together with Vytal | Reusable Packaging-as-a-Service as consortium partners, we look forward to bringing in our expertise in these regions and contributing to the reduction of single-use packaging material.
“We’re revolutionising takeaway packaging, bringing it into the 21st century with digital innovation”
Willemijn Peeters
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