Plastic Waste Free Islands

A blueprint to zero plastic waste

Searious Business, together with the IUCN, has developed a complete Do-It-Yourself guide to reducing plastic waste on any island anywhere in the world – a Blueprint to zero plastic waste. Plastic pollution is detrimental to our oceanic ecosystems, and the livelihoods and economies depending on it. To address these challenges, there are several options and methodologies that have been shown to work well – but a holistic approach is needed – hence this Blueprint to guide the way.

The Blueprint -
a journey to
zero plastic waste

This blueprint guides you on a journey from the status quo to a Plastic Waste Free Island with 7 main stops along the way. Each stop details actions to take to speed up change. It can be used by any organisation, citizen and politician to find existing upstream and downstream solutions or inform future developments and investments. Joint action and sharing information and results are key to solving a problem that affects us all. Only together can we develop creative solutions to protect our ocean and our livelihoods from plastic pollution.

Plastic on the islands

Small islands, or large ocean states, are import-dependent without adequate waste management systems. As a result, large volumes of plastic arrive on the island with nowhere to go. With vulnerable economies depending primarily on tourism and fisheries, islands have to deal with the plastic waste they generate themselves and plastic debris that washes ashore. By sharing best practices among all practitioners and stakeholders, we can work together to prevent the environmental and social impact caused by plastic pollution and unlock new business opportunities. For the love of our ocean.

The vision of the Plastic Waste Free Islands project from the IUCN, funded by Norad, was to create a Blueprint for Plastic Waste Free Islands, followed by ready-to-go business plans and policy recommendations. All solutions can be scaled up and rolled out to other islands across the globe.

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