Cantor - Shining a Light on the Potential of Upcycling

One of the things we like to do at Searious Business is connect with and support like-minded companies and initiatives. Companies who share our passion for the circular economy and our vision of a zero-waste future. Circularity will become a reality through collaboration and knowledge sharing, so building these relationships is essential to our sustainability journey.

One of the companies we work with is the design company Cantor Circular. Cantor makes unique local design furniture for the work environment. Each piece tells a story, and sustainability is at the heart of every tale. Since 2018, they have been connecting young designers with the corporate interior market. Their collection features products made of sustainable or recycled waste material and sacrifices nothing in either aesthetics or function.

Searious Business has been working together with Cantor on the No Cd to Waste project: a collaboration to collect old CDs and their cases and recycle them into high-end furniture, which can be brought to market.  The common goal is to turn this plastic waste, currently thrown away and incinerated, into a valuable new product.

We like Cantor's ability to see value in discarded waste, roll up their sleeves and look for solutions to design and develop from these raw materials. Where some see rubbish, they carve beauty. Adopting this mindset is essential when persuading our clients to switch to recycled plastic. Many view recycled material as lower quality or difficult to work with. They worry about the appearance of the final product. Will it look the same? Will you be able to tell? Cantor proves the opposite is true. They elevate recycled material to new heights of artistry, demonstrating the endless possibilities of circular design.

Cantor has decided to contribute two circular creations to our office to display! Unique carpet tiles from Studio Wae and two ultralight lamps fashioned from recycled newspapers. The carpet tiles are clever geometric shapes that click together, giving you the freedom to create your own unique composition. The pioneering design is made from carpet production scrap, which would otherwise be destined for landfill. The Latest Edition lamp is made from the residual flow of newspapers. Don't be fooled by the heavy concrete look because the lamps are, in fact, featherlight. Cantor was kind enough to present us with two sizes: the medium, which will light up our meeting room and a larger version that will take centre stage over our expo area.  

It is our pleasure to exhibit these masterpieces in our exhibition because we love to shine a light on the potential of upcycling within the circular economy.

"Out of ugly, something beautiful can be made" Jonny Weir


The Nets Beneath our Feet


Searious Business travel to Cyprus to initiate the Plastic Waste Free Island Cyprus Project